Middle School Counseling
The Role of Middle School Counselors
Middle school counselors facilitate counseling programs that help students to achieve optimal personal growth, acquire positive social skills and values, set informed career goals, and realize the full academic potential to become productive, contributing members of the world community.
Middle school counselors have a unique role in identifying students’ academic and social/emotional needs and providing any necessary interventions. These interventions are essential in removing barriers to learning and helping students develop skills and behaviors critical for academic achievement. The knowledge, attitudes, and skills students acquire during these years build the foundation for future success.
Our Focus
Career Development
Working Together with Staff, Parents, and the Community
Middle school counselors do not work in isolation; rather they are integral to the total educational program. Professional School Counselors have an impact on these years by implementing a school counseling program and collaborating with school staff, parents, and the community to create a safe, respectful learning environment whereby young adolescents can maximize personal and academic achievement.
Programs used by our Counselors
SDMyLife is an online program assisting students with navigating the career development process. To find a good match, students take interest and ability assessments. They can explore by career cluster, keyword, or school subject. Students can also research postsecondary education and training options, build a portfolio, study with Method Test Prep, and find out about scholarships opportunities.
Second Step helps you teach powerful skills and competencies—like handling strong emotions, setting and meeting goals, making good decisions, and forging positive relationships—while building the safe, supported learning environment middle schoolers need to succeed. Second Step is implemented during the advisory (PRO Time - People Relating to Others) period.
Signs of Suicide
The SOS Signs of Suicide Prevention Program (SOS) is a universal, school-based depression awareness and suicide prevention program.