Newcomer Students who are in their first year in the United States receive intensive English language instruction embedded in the content areas. Students transition to a center-based site or sheltered core content classes when they achieve the designated level of proficiency or after one year, whichever comes first. Programming is provided at Elementary Immersion Center at Jane Addams elementary; Ben Reifel, Edison, George McGovern, and Whittier middle schools; Jefferson, Lincoln, Roosevelt, and Washington high schools.
Elementary Center-Base language support is provided to English Learners by certified instructors. Instruction in reading, writing, speaking, and listening acquisition is received by elementary ELs daily in small groups. Students are front-loaded with their English Language Arts lessons to allow for more meaningful participation in whole-group instruction. Students also receive specialized practice in language activities in all four language acquisition domains. Programming is provided at Anne Sullivan, Cleveland, Garfield, Hawthorne, Hayward, Laura B. Anderson, Lowell, Oscar Howe, Rosa Parks, Susan B. Anthony and Terry Redlin Elementary.
Sheltered instruction (Middle School and High School) support is provided to English Learners in core content at the middle school and in most graduation requirements at the high school. Additionally, all students in grades 6-12 are enrolled in an English Language Development class that focuses on the four domains of English Language acquisition: reading, writing, speaking and listening. All classes with sheltered instruction are offered in smaller sizes with a focus on academic vocabulary and building critical background knowledge needed for academic success. Instruction focuses on building language skills while learning academic content. Programming is provided at Ben Reifel, Edison, George McGovern, and Whittier middle schools, Jefferson, Lincoln, Roosevelt, and Washington high schools.