Library Services
Our library catalog provides information about the resources held in our library collections. In addition to basic bibliographic information (title, author, publisher, etc.) the library catalog provides citations for professional reviews of the materials through the "More Info" link.
Library Catalogs
In addition to our physical collections, we purchase eBooks and audiobooks and make them available through the SORA app. While there is only one gateway to SORA for all students, the ability to download the full content of books is controlled to ensure that students are reading age-appropriate resources.
Parental Request for Restricting Library Materials
With their specialized expertise in children’s and young adult literature in print and electronic formats, your school librarian is your ally in guiding your students to engaging, relevant, and appropriate materials. Materials in the school library are selected to provide windows, mirrors and doors to the diverse backgrounds and points of view represented in our pluralistic society. The materials are available for voluntary use and students choose what they will check out. As your child’s first teacher, you establish values to guide your student’s choices. Partnering with you, our library staff will make every effort to steer your child to books that align with your values. Please contact your school librarian to discuss your wishes. Our librarians are always happy to help and answer any questions you may have.
To contact your librarian, call the school office and ask to speak to the librarian. You may wish to use the "Restrict Access to Library Books" form as a starting point for your conversation.