The District encourages community members to engage with our school through volunteering. The presence of school volunteers positively impacts the learning environment and builds a strong connection with our community. For volunteer opportunities, contact your neighborhood or desired school to find out more information.
We want to thank you in advance for your interest in volunteering at the Sioux Falls School District. The teachers, students, and staff greatly appreciate the time you are willing to take to share wisdom and experience with those on the threshold of the future. You will add greatly to the educational experience of our students. Schools provide a wide range of opportunities for volunteering that allow the volunteer to select the location and type of activity.
The District requires all volunteers to complete a Volunteer Registration Form.
Unsupervised Volunteer Disclosure and Release of Information Authorization for background check.
LSS Mentoring Services
In School Mentoring
Serves students in grades PreK - 8th
Meet once a week for 40 mins
Playing board games
Reading a book
Playing basketball
Eating lunch together
Simply sitting and talking
High School Mentoring
Serves students in grades 9th - 12th
Meet 4 hours per month
Assist students in setting goals
Helping the student to be an all around good citizen
LSS has been part of the Sioux Falls community since 2001. Through the years we have helped thousands of students and volunteers connect in meaningful ways through a mentoring relationship. We are in partnership with all of the schools in the Sioux Falls School District. Mentors meet once a week for about 40 minutes. Mentors can choose what school they mentor at and what grade level they would like to work with. We serve students in grades PreK through 12th.
If you are interested in mentoring through LSS, the first step is to apply. When we have processed your application, you will be invited to training and then will be matched with a student.
LSS Mentoring
✆ (605) 444-7801
✉ Email Mentoring@LssSD.org
➢ www.LssSD.org
TeamMates Mentoring
In School Mentoring
Serves students in grades 3 - 12th
Meet once a week for 30-60 minutes
Play board games or cards
Join students at recess or participate in other activities that match their interests
Work on crafts or community service projects
Eat lunch together and just talk
The goal is for a mentor to develop a positive, consistent relationship with a student that lasts through their high school graduation.
Matches meet at school, during the school year.
Matches are made taking similar interests and life experiences into consideration.
Upon graduation, mentees who have been matched for at least three years, are eligible to apply for scholarships to help them pursue post-secondary opportunities.
TeamMates Mentoring program joined the Sioux Falls School District in 2020, through a partnership with GreatLIFE and the GreatLIFE Cares Foundation. Since 1991, TeamMates has served over 46,000 students across five states in the Midwest.
If you are interested in mentoring through TeamMates, the first step is to apply through our website!
After your application is processed and you’ve completed new mentor training, you will be matched with a student.
The benefits a TeamMates mentor can provide:
51% of TeamMates mentees show academic improvement.
71% of TeamMates mentees recorded an increased sense of hope and awareness of their strengths and talents.
81% of TeamMates mentees show fewer discipline referrals.
94% of TeamMates mentees graduate from high school.
TeamMates Mentoring
✆ (605) 310-5437
✉ Email Teammates.Sfsd@k12.sd.us
➢ siouxfallsteammates.org