✆ (605) 367-7999
Use of SFSD School Buildings
General Guidelines
Local non-profit and/or civic organizations may rent school buildings for educational, cultural, civic, social, recreational, governmental, and non-partisan political activities. (Policy KF/KF-R)
PLEASE NOTE: Spaces previously known as Community Centers no longer operate in the same manner. During the school day, students are utilizing those spaces and they are not available for rental or community use. After school (2:45-6:30pm), those spaces are used for structured care offered through the Community Learning Centers. Community use may be requested at 6:30pm on school days. No events by youth-serving organizations may be scheduled on Wednesday evenings. An ongoing agreement with the City of Sioux Falls allows Adult Recreational Leagues to operate in the gyms at Anne Sullivan, Garfield, Harvey Dunn, Hawthorne, and Oscar Howe from 6:30-10pm Monday through Friday October through April and for eight (8) tournaments on weekends.
Sioux Falls School District Policy KF/KF-R guides use of school facilities by community organizations. The policy allows ONLY non-profit organizations or businesses who are holding non-commercial activities to rent school facilities. Liability insurance of $1 Million and $300,000 on the Damage to Rented Premises is required for all uses. A statement in the Description of Operations box on the Certificate of Liability must read "Sioux Falls School District is named as an additional insured." It can indicate either a short timeframe OR be applicable for an entire school year.
All organizations should review and save the "Building Use Rates" and "Building Use Guidelines" documents on this page.
Prohibited Items:
Loose glitter, sequins, feathers, beads, gems or like items on costumes, scenery, etc. Failure to comply will result in additional cleaning fees.
Smoke/Haze/Fog Devices, Bubble Machines, Confetti Canons, Open Flames, Etc.
Before Submitting a Request
Requests are taken in the order received via Facilities Scheduling powered by rSchoolToday.
Requests will ONLY be taken from the DIRECTOR or member of the ADMINISTRATION of an organized activity group. Individual coach requests will not be approved.
Requests must be made at least 20 working days in advance of the activity.
Organizations holding regular meetings throughout the year need to submit only one request at the beginning of the year. Requests must be renewed each year.
Comprehensive general liability insurance is required. See Building Use Guidelines for more details.
Please do not request more than one building on a single request. You can request multiple rooms within a single building on the same request.
Be sure to type the activity you will be holding in the title of the request along with the number of attendees and any setup notes.