Distributing Information to Students
Informational Materials
It is the policy of the District to create and maintain a limited non-public forum for the distribution of informational materials from outside organizations to students. Informational materials may be distributed to students only in compliance with this policy.
The following informational materials may be distributed to students on school property in accordance with distribution practices at any particular school:
Informational materials from the District.
Approved informational materials for students or parents generated by parent teacher associations (PTA) or by school-sponsored booster groups as defined in Relations with Booster and other Parent/Guardian Organizations (Policy KJA).
Any such organization that desires to distribute or post informational materials must submit the material to the building principal or designee prior to the desired distribution.
Approved materials from a District Partner Program/Service. District Partner Programs/Services are defined as educational programs or services offered in partnership with a non-profit organization. The educational program or service must be substantially designed, delivered or supervised by District personal acting in an official capacity as assigned by the Superintendent. The educational program or service must be recommended by the Superintendent and approved by the School Board annually.
Informational materials from any agency of the city, county, state or federal government that does not contain commercial advertising.
Any such agency or partner program/service that desires to distribute or post informational material must submit the material to the Superintendent or designee at least two weeks prior to the desired distribution date to allow adequate time for review of those materials.
No other informational materials shall be distributed to students.
No distribution of informational materials to students shall be permitted before, during or after school, at school events, or on school property, except during times when an organization is using District facilities pursuant to Staff/Community Use of School Facilities (KF/KF-R) or Limited Open Forum in Middle and High Schools (JJAB/JJAB-R).