
The Sioux Falls School District, in collaboration with the National Park Service (NPS) through its Rivers, Trails, and Conservation Assistance (RTCA) program, is proud to announce the development of the South Dakota Native American Heritage Outdoor Education Space at Renberg Elementary School. This initiative includes additional partnerships with Renberg Elementary School, the Renberg Elementary PTA, and the SFSD Office of Indian Education.

The primary goal of this outdoor education space is to provide a unique learning environment that will focus on the Oceti Sakowin essential standards, South Dakota heritage, outdoor education, and serve as a gathering space for the community. The design will take the existing green space at Renberg Elementary and re-vision it into an outdoor classroom that will incorporate room for traveling exhibits, farm-to-table plants, native South Dakota plants, and unique growing spaces that are directly connected to learning outcomes.

Dr. Jane Stavem, Superintendent of Sioux Falls School District, stated, "This project is designed to become a special place not only for our students but for the entire community. It will offer a dynamic educational environment where heritage and natural stewardship come together. This is just another example of the many ways we create connections with community partners that lead to great opportunities for our students."

A steering committee has been established, and SFSD looks forward to involving a diverse group of partners as the space develops. The NPS will provide essential technical assistance to help organize partner input, create a concept plan, design community engagement strategies, and estimate project costs.

The NPS and Sioux Falls School District invite the community to engage with and support this exciting initiative. A name for the space will be determined at a later date. Watch for upcoming details about opportunities to participate in this project.