We can't wait to see what everyone wears next week!
10 months ago, Heather Maschino
Tonight our choir students took the stage to show off their hard work. They sang beautifully! Thank you to all the performers and staff who worked to put on an amazing concert. ❤️
10 months ago, Heather Maschino
Today is a beautiful December day, but we know it can't last forever in South Dakota! Make sure you and your student(s) know how to access Canvas for remote learning when weather that keeps kids home can be predicted in advance.
10 months ago, Sioux Falls School District
Remote Learning Information
Congratulations to all band members who participated in an outstanding concert last week. We are proud of the hard-work you put in.
10 months ago, Heather Maschino
Team 7-1 had a blanket making party for Project Warm-up. We are proud of the continued work our Bison put in to give back to the community. ❤️
10 months ago, Heather Maschino
Team 7-1 had a blanket making party for Project Warm-up. We are proud of the continued work our Bison put in to give back to the community. ❤️
10 months ago, Heather Maschino
Congratulations to our Best in the Herd recipients. These students received a positive phone call home, bonus PBIS points and a bracelet. Thank you for representing Ben Reifel so well!! ❤️
10 months ago, Heather Maschino
Congratulations! These students were selected Student of the Month for November! Thank you for demonstrating the Bison Way! We are proud of you! ❤️💛
10 months ago, Heather Maschino
I’m just c
Congratulations to Avrianna Jung,Harrizon Lopez, and Brynn Olson who are the top three 7th grade winners for the 2023 Human Rights Day Essay Contest. This contest has never had three winners from the same school before. We are so incredibly proud of all of you and the hard work you put into this contest. Students will be celebrated on Sunday, December 10th at the Award Ceremony at the Multi-Cultural Center at 2pm. Please join us in celebrating this achievement!
10 months ago, Heather Maschino
December 2nd was National Special Education Day. This special day is dedicated to honoring the federal special education law, (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act), signed into law on December 2, 1972, and the students, teachers, and administrators striving to make special education and services for all students possible. We want to honor and thank each and every Special Education Teacher in our building for all that they do to support our students. We appreciate you!
10 months ago, Heather Maschino
Tonight we held our Orchestra concert. Great music was played by the 6th, 7th, and 8th grade orchestra students!! We are so proud of the hard work everyone worked to put on an outstanding show.
10 months ago, Heather Maschino
We will see everyone back Monday!
10 months ago, Heather Maschino
Congratulations to our Best in the Herd recipients. These students received a positive phone call home, bonus PBIS points and a bracelet. Thank you for representing Ben Reifel so well!! ❤️
11 months ago, Heather Maschino
School Board Member Dawn Marie Johnson stopped by the O.S.O. classroom yesterday to answer questions from our 8th graders. This was a great opportunity for the students to get to know her and learn more about how the School Board works. We appreciate her taking the time to have such a candid conversation with our class.
11 months ago, Heather Maschino
Need something to do tonight? Washington is hosting an art show from 5:30 - 7pm. Art will be on display from students K-12. Hope to see some of our Bison community there!
11 months ago, Heather Maschino
There's another chance to learn more about the Jefferson HS PBL Academy TONIGHT from 5-6:30 PM. Project Based Learning offers students hands-on opportunities to solve real-world problems in a variety of group settings with wide-ranging peer groups. Scan the QR code for more info!
11 months ago, Sioux Falls School District
Congratulations to Harper Fonder! Harper was selected by audition for the Regional Honor Choir, which will be held in Omaha February 7-10, 2024. Students from Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Ohio, Michigan, Minnesota, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wisconsin auditioned for the honor choir.
11 months ago, Heather Maschino
Congratulations! These students were selected Student of the Month for October! Thank you for demonstrating the Bison Way! We are proud of you! ❤️💛
11 months ago, Heather Maschino
SFSD's new Canvas platform allows students and families to access school assignments and homework anytime, anywhere. When winter weather can be predicted, students and staff will take devices home to continue their learning. Are you prepared? Check out the guidance BEFORE you need it!
11 months ago, Sioux Falls School District
Remote Learning Day Info
Be prepared for school delays or cancellations caused by winter weather! This chart is an example of how start times would be impacted if SFSD declares a One-Hour Late Start. Review it now... before winter weather is here to stay!
11 months ago, Sioux Falls School District
Explaining 1 Hr Late Start