Welcome to Ms. Gandrud and Mr. Kinsinger, who will be student teaching at WHS for the 2nd semester!
about 1 year ago, Washington High School
WHS Student Teacher Ms. Gandrud
WHS Student Teacher Mr. Kinsinger
This is a reminder for parents/guardians about the change to Parent Portal absence requests. As of January 16th, we will only be processing full day absence requests. If your student needs to leave early for an appointment or will be arriving late to school, please call the school at 605-367-7970.
about 1 year ago, Washington High School
Students - Do you have registration questions? Having trouble figuring out what classes you are going to take next year? Come to the Auditorium on Thursday, February 1st during Warrior Halftime to get your questions answered and hear some tips on registration.
about 1 year ago, Washington High School
Join the Boys and Girls Basketball teams for a double header against O'Gorman on Thursday, January 25. They will be collecting food and treat donations for the Humane Society. The preferred brand is Science Diet.
about 1 year ago, Washington High School
Students: Please return or renew all overdue library materials. If you have books overdue from 1st quarter, return them this week. After this week, they will become fines on Infinite Campus. Once the book is returned, the fine will be removed.
about 1 year ago, Washington High School
Our Warrior Okichiyapi Club will be meeting this Wednesday, January 24th at 3:15 PM in Room A123 to plan for 2nd Semester activities. See Mr. Rekstad for more details.
about 1 year ago, Washington High School
Are you interested in playing softball this spring? If so, please attend a mandatory meeting on Friday, January 19 at 7:45 am in Ms. Bazata's room A211.
about 1 year ago, Washington High School
WHS Student Council is excited to announce dress-up days for the week of Dec 18-21. Monday - Christmas Movie Monday; Tuesday - Pajama Day; Wednesday - Winter Wonderland; Thursday - Ugly Sweater
about 1 year ago, Washington High School
Sophomores: Are you interested in being a part of the Senior Events Committee which helps plan fun events for our seniors such as prom? Pick up an application in Student Services, from Ms. Nieuwsma or Ms. Wounded Head. Applications are due on Thursday, December 21!
about 1 year ago, Washington High School
A reminder for any WHS students involved in Renaissance. There will be a meeting on Wednesday, January 17th at 7:30 AM in room E112.
about 1 year ago, Washington High School
WHS Students - Does your parking pass have polka dots on it? If it does, you need to buy a 2nd semester pass! Bring $25 to the Welcome Window and we will get you a parking pass to last the rest of the year. Please do this before Thursday, January 11.
about 1 year ago, Washington High School
There will be an informational girls golf meeting on Monday, January 22nd in Coach Kool's room, A203 at 7:50 AM. Anyone who is interested in trying out for girls golf this spring should attend.
about 1 year ago, Washington High School
Dangerous weather conditions mean all activities/events for SFSD students for the evening of Fri., Jan 12 and all day Sat., Jan 13, 2024 are being postponed.
about 1 year ago, Sioux Falls School District
No Activities 1/12 aznd 1/13
No School Today - Tuesday, January 9, 2024
about 1 year ago, Sioux Falls School District
NO SCHOOL Tues Jan 9, 2024
Sioux Falls Public Schools are closed Monday, January 8, 2024 due to weather.
about 1 year ago, Sioux Falls School District
No School January 8, 2024
Come support Washington Basketball this Friday and Saturday at the Presidents Bowl Basketball Classic! https://www.whs.sf.k12.sd.us/o/whs/article/1378541
about 1 year ago, Sioux Falls School District
Don't forget to get your Early Bird Tickets to the Presidents Bowl Basketball Classic! https://www.whs.sf.k12.sd.us/o/whs/article/1378541
about 1 year ago, Sioux Falls School District
Session Passes
Get your tickets now for the Presidents Bowl Basketball Classic! https://www.whs.sf.k12.sd.us/o/whs/article/1378541
over 1 year ago, Sioux Falls School District
Session Passes
Today is a beautiful December day, but we know it can't last forever in South Dakota! Make sure you and your student(s) know how to access Canvas for remote learning when weather that keeps kids home can be predicted in advance.
over 1 year ago, Sioux Falls School District
Remote Learning Information
There is 🚨 ONE WEEK LEFT 🚨for SFSD high school students to get their applications in for the 2nd annual TEDx Youth Sioux Falls event! Last year's event saw 15 amazing students share their stories on that iconic red dot, and we're hoping to match (and exceed!) that energy for 2024. Applications will be accepted until December 15th, 2023. We're looking forward to hearing all of the ✨💡ideas worth sharing! 💡✨ https://youtu.be/NCNyDKm0UvM Apply here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc6CE6mTOzKyMF4gIa5IlOvxl83MRaBu5E0mSc7yoa-M8DyPA/viewform?fbclid=IwAR1HeZ7NZF5Jx5pnReD3-H3HQ6AirHts64IJD3iI3Cui3cevX09sHMou5KE
over 1 year ago, Sioux Falls School District