Attention all freshmen, sophomores and juniors: Student Council applications are available in Room A114 and in the Student Services Office. Further details are included on the application. Please see Mrs. Stahlberg or Mrs. Vander-Well if you have any questions.

WHS Juniors and Seniors: Applications are now open for the SD Legislative Page program. Stop in the Counseling Office to pick up an application. You can find more information at: sdlegislature.gov/students/page

LIGHTS.....CAMERA....ACTION! Do you love watching, studying or creating films? Come to "Warriors Do Film" on Thursday in room A106 after school to look at what we do, what plans we have for this year, and to play games for prizes! For more information speak with Ms. Mercado-Ford in room A106.

Warriors, do you know a lot about geography and science? How about history and math? English and art? Do you know pop culture? If you enjoy trivia and competition, consider joining QuizBowl. We meet each Monday after school at 3:15 PM in room A139. See Mr. Reiner in A139 if you have questions.

Attention Warriors! Last year, WHS gave the most flu shots out of all the high schools in the district, so let's do it again! Get your consent form from the Student Services office. The flu shot clinic will be held on Wednesday, October 23rd after school. Visit with Nurse Clark if you have any questions.

WHS Renaissance Committee Members: Plan to attend our next Renaissance committee meeting on Wednesday, October 2nd at 7:30 am in room E112.

WHS would like to extend a warm welcome to our Student Teachers who will be with us for the fall semester. They were gifted a small token of our appreciation at last week's staff meeting. From L to R - Layne Symington, Austin Teas, Principal Kari Papke, Elsa Watkins and Riley Pletten.

WHS Students: The Principal's Advisory Council will be taking applications from 10th - 12th grade students for the 2024-2025 school year. The purpose of the Council is to serve as a source of advice, feedback, ideas, proposals, and recommendations to the principal on behalf of the student body. Applications are available beginning today in Student Services or the Admin Office and are due by the end of the day on Friday, October 18th.

"Report, Don't Repost." Parents, students, and the community are asked to take 3 minutes to hear an important message from Superintendent Jane Stavem and Police Chief Jon Thum. School safety is everyone's responsibility!

WHS Students: Don't forget to purchase your Pizza Feed ticket from your 7th period teacher. Tickets are $5 each. If you don't have a 7th period class, stop by to see Renae in Student Services.

For students interested in participating in boys' basketball this winter, there will be a meeting this Thursday, September 19th at 7:45 AM in the Main Gym. This includes those who are currently participating in a fall sport.

The WHS Student Services Team wishes everyone a wonderful weekend! #IAmAWarrior

Warriors - Get ready for Homecoming Dress-Up days next week!

Warrior Nation gathered together to meet our 2024 Homecoming candidates and hear about the fun activities planned for next week.. Thanks to the WHS JROTC Color Guard and WHS Concert Choir for their participation in today's gathering. #GoWarriors

WHS Students, if it has been over two years since you have been to a dentist, please stop by and speak with Nurse Clarke in Student Services. The Dental Van is coming to WHS and we don't want to miss you!

Native American Students: We are having our first Okichiyapi Club meeting of the year on Thursday, September 12 at 3:15 pm in room A123. We will be discussing all of our activities and projects for the year including door decorating for Homecoming and our Native American Day celebrations. Please see Mr. Rekstad in room A123 for details.

Registration for the PSAT is now open in the Counseling Office. The PSAT is recommended for four-year college-bound students. The PSAT will be given on Wednesday, October 9th at WHS. The cost is $25 and the registration deadline is Thursday, September 12th.

The WHS Drama Club will hold auditions for the fall play on Tuesday, September 10th at 3:15pm in the Little Theatre. If you are interested in tech or backstage crew this is also the time to get signed up. Please stop by Mr. Reiner's room A139, or Mr. Haddican's room A137 to pick up an audition form.

If you are interested in participating in Girls Basketball this winter, please plan to attend a meeting at 7:40am in the main gym on Wednesday, September 4th.

Do you love acting? Reading? Speaking? Being a part of something unique and fun? Then join the nationally ranked WHS Oral Interp and Speech Team! The first meeting is happening on Tuesday, September 3rd at 3:20pm in room A227. If you have questions or can't make it to the meeting, please see Mrs. McIntyre anytime in room A227.