We have a BIG announcement to share at tonight's School Board Meeting! The meeting starts at 5:30 pm and the announcement will come during the Good News portion of the meeting. Join us either in-person at the Instructional Planning Center (201 E. 38th Street) or join us online at: https://www.youtube.com/user/SiouxFallsSchools to hear about a new partnership we couldn't be more excited about!
And let's just say...you'll want to amp up your volume to 11 when you tune in! 🤘

Congratulations Bree Summers who won the Scholastic American Visions Gold Medal! Her piece "The Backyard" will be displayed during the awards ceremony at Carnegie Hall in New York City.

Congratulations to our WHS Boys Tennis team on their 2nd Place finish at the State Tennis Tournament in Rapid City. The following won singles championships: Noah Morgans at Flight 3 and Harold Mayer at Flight 6. The following won doubles championships: Noah Morgans/Jacob Morgans at Flight 2 and Chase Rima/Harold Mayer at Flight 3.

Congratulations to our WHS Baseball team on qualifying for the State Tournament! Good luck this weekend!

Congratulations to the following WHS teachers, Wade Kippley, Angelica Mercado-Ford, Hannah Duke, and Nicole Hessa, for graduating with their Masters Degree from University of Sioux Falls this weekend! Wade Kippley and Angelica Mercado-Ford received the Fredrikson School of Education Servant Leadership Award.

If you registered for the Senior Class Party, come pick up your t-shirt on Monday May 16 or Wednesday May 18 during Warrior

Congratulations to Meghan Wounded Head for being named a US Presidential Distinguished teacher!! This award celebrates teachers for their knowledge, skill, and performance.

School Info 5.13.22
• Classes in-session and on-time today
• Bus routes may be impacted
• No tardies this morning
• Final day May 25, 2022

Congratulations to Charlie Thorpe's welding classes for taking home the "Best Program/School" award at the district welding competition!!

WHS Parents, Guardians and Students: A reminder that Online Registration for 2022-23 is now open. This will need to be completed prior to participating in any Summer activities (Fine Arts and Sports) at WHS. For athletics, you must have an annual physical form on file with our WHS Activities Office – physicals for 2022-23 school year must be after April 1, 2021. Please contact the Activities Office if you have questions.

Congratulations to Chris Peterson, Charles Reeves, Jack Hinrichs and Alexander Panic for being named WHS Activity Leaders of the Year!!!!

Congratulations to Ellie Walker, Olivia Berry, Mason Wilson and Claire Woods for being named WHS Students of the Year!!!

Seniors, did you order a yearbook? If so please make sure you complete the survey that was sent to you letting the Yearbook staff know how you would like to be notified when yearbooks come in next fall. The link can also be found in the May WHS Newsletter.

Congratulations Duane Boer for being named WHS Teacher of the Year!!!

Parent/guardian feedback is important to SFSD! We just launched a 7-question survey - which takes 5 minutes or less - to help guide the next steps toward becoming the BEST school district in the nation!
Check your email or paste this URL in your browser: https://survey.k12insight.com/r/QDVv1e
The survey is open until the end of the school year. Take the survey once for each child enrolled. If you prefer to only take it on, please reference the oldest child in your household. Thanks for your participation!

WHS AP Testing will be held May 2nd - May 12th. Students testing at 8 AM will be out for periods 1-5 and students testing at 12 PM will be out periods 3-7.

WHS staff & students have accepted the Screentime Challenge to reduce their minutes by 40,000 April 21st - 28th. Last year WHS reduced their time by 55,604 minutes. Let's go Warriors!!!

Congratulations to all the 100+ WHS students that received The President's Award for Education Excellence!!

Attention all Seniors! Wondering what to wear to graduation, what time to arrive, how to walk in, etc.? Get all your questions answered during 1st & 2nd period on Wednesday, April 27th.

WHS will be celebrating students during Honorfest on Wednesday, April 27th from 8:40am - 10:40am. The CTE schedule will stay the same.