And with a blink of an eye, we are already a quarter way through the 2022-2023 school year! The second quarter is here, and it’s a busy one! While this time of year tends to get chaotic, it’s important to remember how crucial student attendance is. Chronic absenteeism is a serious problem in South Dakota - a problem SFSD is committed to improving. Missing just two days a month can hurt a student’s grades and increase their chance of dropping out. Make sure your student is on the path to a bright future – and that starts in the classroom!

Attention all students interested in trying out for basketball sideline cheerleading: Tryouts will be November 14, 15, and 16 from 3:15-5:15 PM each day in the Main Gym. Please make sure you have completed the required online registration forms and have a current physical form turned in to the WHS Activities Office as soon as possible. See Coach Jones in A200 and Coach Franzen in A116 with questions and to get your name on the sign-up sheet.

Congratulations to the WHS Competitive Dance Team for their State Runner up award at Saturday, October 22nd state competition!!
The Warriors won the hip hop category, placed 2nd in the jazz category, and placed second in the Grand Champion competition.
We are so incredibly proud of this team and Warrior Nation! The school showed up and we executed our routines to the absolute best of our abilities. Their passion and enthusiasm for each other and the sport of dance readiated in their final performances.

WHS is proud to present our first play of the year: Wiley and the Hairy Man. Come enjoy live theater for only $5 on the main stage. Shows are this week only, Thursday and Friday at 7:00 or Saturday at 2:00. Hope to see you there!

Parents, if you are using the Parent Portal to excuse students for an appointment, please remind them to check in to Student Service when they arrive to school. This will ensure their attendance is up to date.

Attention students taking the ACT on Saturday, October 22nd: The ACT at WHS has been CANCELED AND TRANSFERRED TO ANOTHER SITE. Please log onto your ACT account and check to see where you will be taking the test. If you have any questions, please contact Lindsey Irvine as soon as possible.

JOIN US IN 15 MINUTES for our second Family Forum Series virtual webinar! Tonight's topic will focus on anxiety.
💻📱 Click this link to join ---> https://bit.ly/3TyJjen
Important note: If you choose to join using a mobile device like a tablet or smartphone, you will be prompted to download the Microsoft Teams App. The app requires you to type a name. You can use a first name, nickname, or a made-up name. The anonymous platform does NOT allow us to see user names. It only allows us to see the number of viewers.

WHS parents and students, please join us on 10/24 at 6:30 pm during conferences for information surrounding options for financing post-secondary education. This presentation will be held in the Little Theater and will include the basics of financial aid and the FAFSA.

Happy National Chemistry Week!! This year's theme is "Fabulous Fibers: The chemistry of Fabrics". Join us for Chem Club in Thursday, October 20th at 3:15 in A217 to explore how fibers become fabrics and their amazing properties! All former, current, and future chemistry students are welcome to attend.

Attention Seniors! NCRC testing will take place on Wednesday, October 19th during periods 1-3.

NO SCHOOL October 10th & 11th, 2022
October 10th there will be no school in honor of Native American Day.
October 11th, will be an inservice day.
Classes will resume on Wednesday, October 12th.

Congratulations to the following WHS Orchestra students that made the 2022 All-State Orchestra:
Kyra Gurath, Esther Rabenberg, and Rosalia Szameit on Violin
Celia Kucker on Viola
Maeghan Questad and Brianna Deaver on Horn
Alexis Lawrence on Trombone
Way to go!!!

Ever wondered how you get the WHS Circle of Courage painted on your driveway? Wonder no more! The WHS Choir department will be painting the Circle of Courage on driveways this fall. Order forms need to be returned by 10/7. Click on the link below for the form

Today started the FREE application period for 8 South Dakota postsecondary schools.
Participating schools include:
- Black Hills State University
- Dakota State University
- Lake Area Technical College
- Northern State University
- Presentation College
- SD School of Mines & Technology
- South Dakota State University
- University of South Dakota
There is no code needed to take advantage of this opportunity. The promotion will run from October 3 through November 30, 2022. For more information, visit ---> https://ourdakotadreams.com/

Excuse us while we brag for a minute… Our Superintendent is pretty talented! Dr. Jane Stavem is an accomplished pianist, vocalist, trumpet player, French horn player, percussionist, xylophone player… oh, and she also plays harmonica! 😉 These talents, along with her deep love for all things Fine Arts, earned her the honor of Parade Marshal for Festival of Bands 2022! We are proud to be lead by someone who values the role extracurriculars play in “preparing each student to succeed in a changing world!”

Updated breakfast and lunch pricing, how to re-apply for free and reduced meals, who gets low fund balance notifications, and an easy and delicious snack mix recipe to try at home. It's all in the October edition of the "What's the Scoop" newsletter from our Child Nutrition Services!
Read it here! ---> https://www.smore.com/g09r2

Interested in joining a book club? The WHS Book Club is holding their first meeting on Friday, September 23rd in the library study room during 4th period. Hope to see you there!!

Attention National Honor Society Members! The first meeting of the year will be held on Tuesday, September 27th at 7:30 am in the Little Theater. See you there!!

WHS students if you haven't picked up your 2022 yearbook yet, stop by A133.

Thank you Aaron Seiler for all that you do for the staff at Washington High School! We appreciate you!!