Terry Redlin Elementary is currently reading the book, Out of My Mind by Sharon M. Draper as part of One Book, One School. The book is about an 11 year-old girl who has cerebral palsy. Melody is not like most people as she cannot walk or talk. She is determined to let everyone know about her disability.
Melody has a pet goldfish in the book that reminds her how she is trapped in her own body, like her fish is trapped in the fish bowl.
Terry Redlin has our own fish, which has been named "Echo". Echo travels each day joining a new class. Echo is our reminder about what is happening in the story. Each day, students listen for a question about the story over the intercom, and the class that calls in with the correct answer, gets to have Echo in their room for the day. Below are some pictures of Echo, students enjoying Echo, and the travel journal that comes with our fish!