Mindset speech

As we progress through our school year, Pettigrew students are fully embracing the Seven Mindsets  Program and the spirit of learning it brings to our building. Pettigrew received a grant from the Sioux Falls Proud funding of the Sioux Falls Public School Education Foundation to continue the Seven Mindsets this year in our school. 

Students have several opportunities to participate in the Mindsets program by earning Mindset Tickets when they demonstrate a Mindset.  Those tickets earn them a chance to win a prize from the Mindset Ticket Booth ticket grab!

Students also have opportunities to participate in the poster contests and writing contests throughout the year. 

Our Mindset theme changes each month.  Talk to your child about this months Mindset and ask what it means to them and what they are learning about it.  

Look for stories about the monthly Mindset theme and what is happening in our building in the PTO newsletter, on the RF Pettigrew Facebook Page and in communications from your teachers. 

Follow this link to enjoy a video from a few of our students talking about the Mindset Program.  Seven Mindsets Video