Food Pantry


  1. Hours:
    1. Monday & Tuesday: 9am-3pm
    2. Wednesday: CLOSED
    3. Thursday & Friday: 9am-3pm
  2. Location: 
    1. 201 West Ave, Door "M"
    2. Community Engagement Center located in Axtell Park
  3. Guidelines:
    1. One visit per month per household
    2. One member of the household MUST be present
    3. Check out with CEC Staff
    4. How many bags we will be giving out:
      1. 2 bags will be provided for a household of 5
      2. 3 bags will be provided for a household of 5+
    5. Sign-in form
      1. Family must provide the following:
        1. Last name
        2. Household Number (# kids, # adults (18+), & # of elderly (60+))
        3. School Names of where their kids are attending.