Everybody Reads!! Here at Oscar Howe we definitely have some readers. Sioux Falls School District partnered with the City of Sioux Falls and Siouxland Libraries on a city-wide reading challenge from March 1-22. Students here at Oscar Howe hung a raindrop for every book they read. We had some students busy reading to meet the challenge. In 2023, we read 9,413 books and hung a star for every book read. Students were incredibly busy reading since we flew past our goal of 9,500 and read a total of 14,254 books!!! In total across Sioux Falls, we read 318,617 books. A donation was made to Reach Literacy for reaching our city-wide goal. A big thank you to everyone who helped make this event a success. Even though the contest is over, let's keep reading Oscar Howe! Everybody Reads ~ Rain or Shine!
Everybody Reads 2024
March 26, 2024