On Wednesday, the Sioux Falls Education Foundation, with Jordin Edwards and Jason Herrboldt from First Bank and Trust awarded four Public School Proud Grants at Jefferson High School.
Arlene Smith, Lakota Teacher and Native American Connections Advisor received $1,500 for her proposal, “Tiyóspaye Owáyawa – Inclusive Drum Circle.” These funds will be used to purchase a traditional Lakota drum that will be used by students in the Native American Connections Club. There are drum circles in other high schools, but this will be the first one where females are included as drummers and singers.
Jared Hulstine, Art teacher received $1,398.30 for his proposal, “Art Gallery Display” which would create a unique and dedicated area for student exhibits and art shows that gives student the opportunity to learn how to prepare, curate, and install art displays and how to take care of the gallery.
Science Teachers, Emily Leitheiser and Cassie Blair received $1,904 for their grant, “Breakout with Knowledge.” They will use funds to purchase 16 Breakout EDU kits for 9th grade biology students.
Assistant Band Director, Kevin Kurtz received a $2,500 Public School Proud Grant for his proposal, “Installing a Mirror in the Music.” The grant will be used to fill the band library with music composed by female and diverse composers to increase representation.
A big thank you goes to First Bank & Trust for their incredibly generous investment in the Public School Proud grant program for teachers! First Bank & Trust has been a longtime supporter of the Education Foundation, and our schools.