The John Harris Books and Breakfast Book Swap is Friday! See the flyer for additional details. We hope to see you there!
4 months ago, Bryan Conner
Kindergarteners have been busy the last few days of school: fire safety presentation, Ronning library summer reading program, and Hurricane Hero Day with a visit from Officer Estep!
4 months ago, Bryan Conner
Nurse Val is a true John Harris Hero! She works diligently behind the scenes to provide care to students and staff. We are so grateful for her!
4 months ago, Bryan Conner
For the second year in a row, the Sioux Falls School District is proud to be called one of the Best Communities for Music Education by the National Association for Music Merchants Foundation. This recognition is a testament to the dedication of our teachers, the commitment of our students, and to the close ties that have grown together over the years in our music education community. As we celebrate this recognition, let us also celebrate the power of music to inspire, educate, and unite us all.
4 months ago, Sioux Falls School District
May 6th through May 10th is Teacher Appreciation Week. The JHE PTO does an amazing job of recognizing and showing appreciation of all staff here at John Harris. It is motivating for our staff to have the support of our John Harris families! Yesterday, staff were treated to a beverage from Rainy Day Coffee Company!
4 months ago, Bryan Conner
The JHE Books and Breakfast Book Swap is on May 17th from 7:15-8:00 a.m. This event was so much fun last year and we are hoping to have another great turnout this year! Please see flyer for more details!
4 months ago, Bryan Conner
Wow! SFSD is so grateful to the Sioux Falls STORM, LEVO, and media partners KELOLand TV for supporting Operation Hope & Caring where $18,417 was raised to support elementary schools that don't have PTAs/PTOs. We had a great time at the game and especially enjoyed the WIN! ❤️
4 months ago, Sioux Falls School District
2024 Hope & Caring Totals
Friday was the JHE talent show. There were so many great performances! Thanks to our student performers and student crew! Thanks to Gretchen McKee for planning, organizing, and managing many things behind the scenes. A big thanks to Mrs. Fitzsimmons, Erin Weyers, Brianna Zobel, Melissa Breit, Annie Welsh, Duane St. John, Amanda Jungman, and Nichole Velgersdyk. Thanks to Kate Cory, Stacia Klock, Jamie Appel, and Liza Schnabel for judging. Thanks for the support from office staff: Mrs. Oberg, Mrs. Herold, Mr. Conner, and Mrs. Dobberpuhl.
4 months ago, Bryan Conner
Congratulations to the JHE fifth grade Presidential Award recipients!
4 months ago, Bryan Conner
Tonight is THE night! Come out to support SFSD elementary schools without PTAs/PTOs as the Sioux Falls STORM take on the Green Bay Blizzard. It's also Star Wars night, so wear your gear and bring your lightsaber to this fun family event sponsored by LEVO Credit Union!
4 months ago, Sioux Falls School District
Star Wars Storm Game for Hope & Caring
Please join us for PUTTS for Paws - Friday May 10th! Students have worked hard to create these mini golf holes and are excited for you to experience what they've created! See the image for more information about this event! We are looking for parent volunteers to help with this event. Thanks for considering! Sign up using the link below.
4 months ago, Bryan Conner
The Weather Service indicates the greatest threat of severe weather did not materialize in Sioux Falls. We will begin our bus routes at approximately 3pm, so there will be a slight delay in getting elementary and middle school students home. High School dismisses at normal time.
5 months ago, Sioux Falls School District
Due to the weather 4-30-24, SFSD will hold all elementary students who walk or ride the bus until the system passes. We expect the system to arrive about 2:45pm and be done around 3pm. Busses will not leave the elementary schools until it is safe to do so. This will also cause a delay in middle school bus routes, so plan accordingly. If wx is still an issue at high school dismissal time, we will encourage students to wait to leave until the system passes. Thank you.
5 months ago, Sioux Falls School District
Weather may cause some challenges at school dismissal time today. SFSD will make plans with your child's safety as our highest priority. If there are changes, parents/guardians will be contacted immediately. We ask that you please monitor your phone and email closely.
5 months ago, Sioux Falls School District
Football & Star Wars Fans Unite! Fri, May 3-7:05pm Sioux Falls STORM take on the Green Bay Blizzard to support Operation Hope & Caring, a fundraiser for SFSD elementary schools without PTAs. Wear Star Wars gear, grab a light saber, and get in on the fun!
5 months ago, Sioux Falls School District
Star Wars Storm Game for Hope & Caring
Yesterday was "Glow Day" at John Harris. It was a celebration of students exemplifying JHE HERO skills for the month of April!
5 months ago, Bryan Conner
The JHE Art Show was Thursday night and was a great success! It was fun to see so many families come take part in the fun! Thank you to our student artists, Ms. Levisay, and the many volunteers who made this night possible. We also thank all those who contributed to the snack table for Whittier students! Those items will be greatly appreciated by many!
5 months ago, Bryan Conner
The JHE Art Show and Social is tonight, starting at 6:00 p.m.! Please consider bringing individually packed snacks to support Whittier Middle School students!
5 months ago, Bryan Conner
It's Administrative Professionals Day! We are so fortunate to have Deb and Toni as our building clericals! They do so much to support students, staff, and families! Thank you Deb and Toni!
5 months ago, Bryan Conner
405 has practiced breathing techniques to help us focus all year. Friday we added yoga to help us get ready for state testing.
5 months ago, Bryan Conner