about 1 year ago, Hawthorne Elementary
about 1 year ago, Hawthorne Elementary
about 1 year ago, Hawthorne Elementary
Student positivity is the best!
about 1 year ago, Hawthorne Elementary
about 1 year ago, Hawthorne Elementary
Last week Hawthorne Extended Head Start students made paper airplanes and went outside to try them out ..
about 1 year ago, Hawthorne Elementary
Hawthorne Kindergarten students learned the safety of Stop Drop Roll. A few students were able to dress up in fire rescue gear to show fellow students how to Stop Drop Roll. Thank you Sioux Falls Fire Rescue, Washington Pavilion and Avera Health
about 1 year ago, Hawthorne Elementary
Hawthorne school skate night: Thursday, Feb 22nd 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
about 1 year ago, Hawthorne Elementary
Tuesday, Feb 20 is a NO SCHOOL day, so be sure to stop by Oscar Howe Elementary for the second Community Health & Wellness fair, put on by the Community Learning Centers! There are lots of activities for kids, tons of community vendors, and amazing prizes for all!
about 1 year ago, Sioux Falls School District
Student Council had a huge task of separating most of the donated shoes that Hawthorne received over the past few months. We received so many shoes that we were able to donate some of those shoes to other Sioux Falls schools that were also in need. A huge THANK YOU TO OUR COMMUNITY for donating shoes, clothes, hats, mittens & boots.
about 1 year ago, Hawthorne Elementary
Just a few pieces of artwork from our Hawthorne students..
about 1 year ago, Hawthorne Elementary
about 1 year ago, Hawthorne Elementary
Is your 5-year-old ready for the rigors of Kindergarten? Get all of your questions answered Tues, Feb 13 at Susan B. Anthony Elementary. Families from all SFSD schools are welcome!
about 1 year ago, Sioux Falls School District
Here Comes Kindergarten Information
about 1 year ago, Hawthorne Elementary
The 100th day of school will be February 8th..
about 1 year ago, Hawthorne Elementary
about 1 year ago, Hawthorne Elementary
TODAY'S THE DAY! ♥♥ Update your profile picture for 24 hours to show the love for your District and South Dakota Public Schools! #LovePoweredbySDPublicSchools What’s your “why” when it comes to supporting our local schools? Is it the sense of community that brings us all together? The Midwest values that define us? The daily routines that make us who we are? Or maybe it’s the knowledge that we’re part of something bigger, something that shapes the future. By taking part in this initiative, you’re becoming a vital part of something much bigger. It’s all about Community Engagement, Midwest Values, and Advocacy for Public Education. This small action sends a powerful message and shows that you’re part of a community that knows what truly matters. Our South Dakota Public Schools are the heart of our community, nurturing the minds and spirits of our children, and embodying the essence of what makes our state so special.
about 1 year ago, Hawthorne Elementary
REMINDER: Please return the following items that were sent home for remote learning last week. Kdg - 1st grade please return student Ipads 2nd grade-5th grade please return student chromebooks & chargers
about 1 year ago, Hawthorne Elementary
We have extended the cut off day to Friday, Jan. 19th to purchase Hawthorne Apparel.
about 1 year ago, Hawthorne Elementary
Dangerous weather conditions mean all activities/events for SFSD students for the evening of Fri., Jan 12 and all day Sat., Jan 13, 2024 are being postponed.
about 1 year ago, Sioux Falls School District
No Activities 1/12 aznd 1/13