🗳️ Help shape the future! Five candidates are vying for two open seats on the Sioux Falls School Board. Learn about them and make time to get to the polls on Tuesday, April 9, 2024. https://www.sf.k12.sd.us/page/elections
SFSD wants your feedback! Our annual parent/guardian survey is now open through Friday, April 19, 2024. Check your email for an active link and share your experiences with us as partners in your child's education! https://survey.k12insight.com/r/6HS2G1
REMINDER: There is NO Harmony Monday, March 25 - Monday, April 1st.
Students will resume attending Harmony Tuesday, April 2nd
Plans are in the works for SFSD students and staff to bring electronic devices home over the weekend in the event that winter weather presents challenges on Monday. Refresh your memory now about the new remote learning plan by using the QR code on the image. We'll keep you posted if there are any schedule changes for Monday.
"Everybody Reads is in full swing at Hawthorne Elementary! Last week 3rd graders were read "If you Come to Earth" by Sophie Blackall. Our guest reader was Nick Becker, an Augie practicum student, who has spent several hours in the library learning alongside library staff about what it is like to be a librarian. He shared his love of reading and a joyful smile! Thanks, Nick for celebrating the joy of reading with our Hawthorne Huskies! – Ms. Becker, Librarian"
Thank you Dr. Stavem for stopping by to read to our 2nd grade students for Read Across America..
Falls Community Dental staff applied the second round of fluoride varnish to students that signed up from last fall. The process is done yearly and parents fill out paperwork at the beginning of each school year. Fluoride varnish is done at no charge to families thru the Falls Community Dental Clinic.
Student positivity is the best!
Last week Hawthorne Extended Head Start students made paper airplanes and
went outside to try them out ..
Hawthorne Kindergarten students learned the safety of Stop Drop Roll. A few students were able to dress up in fire rescue gear to show fellow students how to Stop Drop Roll.
Thank you Sioux Falls Fire Rescue, Washington Pavilion and Avera Health
Hawthorne school skate night:
Thursday, Feb 22nd
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Tuesday, Feb 20 is a NO SCHOOL day, so be sure to stop by Oscar Howe Elementary for the second Community Health & Wellness fair, put on by the Community Learning Centers! There are lots of activities for kids, tons of community vendors, and amazing prizes for all!
Student Council had a huge task of separating most of the donated shoes that Hawthorne received over the past few months. We received so many shoes that we were able to donate some of those shoes to other Sioux Falls schools that were also in need. A huge THANK YOU TO OUR COMMUNITY for donating shoes, clothes, hats, mittens & boots.
Just a few pieces of artwork from our Hawthorne students..