2022-2023 Harvey Dunn PTA

The Harvey Dunn PTA is excited to have the opportunity to sponsor many events at Harvey Dunn again this year! These fun events are only possible with the help from parents; without volunteers, we may be forced to cancel events. In order to keep these events going, please consider taking a quick minute to fill out the volunteer form below. There are a few events that are in need of a new chairperson as well. If you are interested in the position, please note it on the form. The PTA provides the chairperson with contact info, a volunteer list, etc. to aid in setting up the event.


We have decided to change our monthly meetings to the 3rd Tuesday of each month held from 5:30-6:30pm in hopes that more parents are able to attend. These meetings are informative about the upcoming events not only that the PTA sponsors but what is happening at the school. Please join us!

Mark your calendars for all of our fun events coming this year!

  • Sept 8--Pizza Picnic
  • Sept 30--Walk/Bike to School Breakfast
  • Oct 6--Skate City Night
  • Oct 24--Barrel House Day *NEW EVENT
  • Nov 4--Fall Book Bingo
  • Dec 5--Skate City Night
  • Jan TBD--West Mall 7 Movie Matinee
  • March 7--Science/Hobby Fair
  • March 17--Fun Run Kick-Off
  • April 4--Skate City Night
  • April 14--Spring Book Bingo
  • May 12--Fab Friday
  • May 22--Food Truck Night *NEW EVENT

Check out the Harvey Dunn Elementary PTA Facebook page! Click "Follow" to see the happenings throughout the school year and stay up-to-date.

Upcoming Event: Pizza Picnic - Thursday, September 8, 2022, 5:30-7:00pm

Upcoming Meeting: Tuesday, September 20, 2022, 6:30-7:30pm at Morningside Community Center