Cleveland Elementary

We have had a great start to the 2022-23 School Year. To ensure high levels of efficiency and safety, following are a few friendly reminders:

  • If you would like to walk your child onto the playground in the morning, or meet them on the playground after school, you must park your car. You cannot leave your car unattended in the drop off/pick up line. This line is intended to keep the flow of traffic moving.
  • If you drop your child off AFTER 8:05, you must go around to the office to have them enter. There will not be supervision on the playground after 8:05 and the doors will be locked.
  • If you leave our playground after supervision has gone inside, please close and latch the gate behind you. We want to ensure high levels of safety are in place for all students.
  • After school, students are not allowed to play on the playground equipment unless supervised directly by a parent or guardian. The supervision we have after school is to ensure all students are picked up or offered assistance to locate their ride.
  • If your child would like to participate in the Cleveland Neighborhood Soccer League, please make sure to send the registration form back with him/her on Tuesday, September 6th. This opportunity is extended to students in 2nd - 5th grade.

We want to make this a memorable year for your child. Safety is of utmost importance to us. If we all work together to follow these guidelines, we can ensure a safe and fun learning environment for all of our students at Cleveland.