Attendance Matters
Maybe you stayed up late last night and want to sleep in. Or maybe you just don’t feel like going to school. “It’s only one day,” you tell yourself. “One day’s absence won’t matter, right?” WRONG!
Researchers have studied what happens when kids miss school. They’ve looked at how being absent affects your grades, graduation from high school, and even the other students in the school. All the researchers say the same thing: If you miss school, you miss out!
Here are a few tips to help you be in school every day.
1. Think of school as a job. That means it’s important to show up, on time, every day. No boss will let an employee come and go as they please. Start making good attendance a habit!
2. Plan and Prepare. Mornings are busy. Take a few minutes in the evening to get ready for the next day. Lay out what you are going to wear and get your backpack packed. Go to bed on time.
At Cleveland Elementary, we will be starting our CUBS Count Attendance Program. Each week you will get a chance at a prize for being in school on time every day for that week. On Fridays, students will get to put their name in a classroom drawing if they have been in school on time all week. Each class will bring their classroom baggie to the office after morning attendance. Winners of the drawings will be announced at lunch. Being on time and in school every day counts!