Students in Unified Club participate in a game session with peers

Your student may have come home this past Wednesday discussing how they spent the last period of the day learning about Taylor Swift.  They might have spoken about playing soccer, learning how to play chess or other dice games.  No, your student wasn't spending academic time doing these things, but during the newly implemented ninth period, "Bison Academy Enrichment". 

Bison Academy Enrichment gives all students in the building the opportunity to explore an interest during a thirty-five minute block at the end of the day on Wednesdays. It's challenging for some students to fit into every class they find an interest in.  By giving students the opportunity to engage in something they might not normally get to do, can spark the love of a new hobby or fulfill a long time wish of learning all about stem activities. 

One enrichment opportunity is focusing on one of the core values of unity, by giving students without and without disabilities a chance to demonstrate unity by "working together playing games, completing crafts and service projects".  Students who may never interact with each other are now getting to work along side each other throughout the six-week session that will run throughout the year. 

When your student comes home next Wednesday, take the opportunity to ask them what enrichment they are currently enrolled in, and see how it has sparked their curiosity for a new hobby.