Big thank you to our ACE community for their support at our Qdoba Fundraiser Night! We earned almost $350 off sales! We had so many come out! Thanks!
Back to School Bash is tonight! Hope you can make it! $3 for students! 6:30-8:00 PM
Long lines at School Store means great support for our 4th and 5th graders! Thank you!
School Pride Dress Up Day is September 27! Students, staff, and volunteers are encouraged to dress up!
Tonight is the night! Qdoba Fundraiser Night-Sept. 24 from 4-8 pm 1900 W 41st Street Location Scan the code in the restaurant or use the code QDOBAGIVES when ordering online! ACE gets 25% of all sales so spread the word!!
Congrats to these ACE leaders demonstrating skills of being respectful, responsible, and safe! Way to go High Flyers!
All third graders from across the district got to meet the author, Juana Medina, at the Washington Pavilion on September 19! This was exciting because they all received a free copy of her book, Juana & Lucas, early this month and read it in class and at home. She brought to life reasons why she wrote the book and based it off real life experiences. Thank you to all of the sponsors who made this event possible! So fun!
SMILE!! It's picture day!! All students will get their picture taken regardless if they are ordering or not! Be sure to fill out your forms if you want to order. Say cheese! Retakes Nov. 1st.
"Report, Don't Repost." Parents, students, and the community are asked to take 3 minutes to hear an important message from Superintendent Jane Stavem and Police Chief Jon Thum. School safety is everyone's responsibility!
Book Fair is coming Oct 15 and Oct 17 during conferences! Paper Pie will be set up in the gym from 12:30-7pm on the 15th and 3:30-7pm on the 17th. Come check it out! Books make great birthday or Christmas gifts! Teachers will have wish lists available for you to buy for the classroom as well.
We had our first School Store of the year and it was a big success! School Store helps support the 4th and 5th grade events throughout the year! Thanks to the Rock family and Tuesday afternoon 4th/5th parents for getting everything organized each week! You can purchase a School Store card or bring cash to purchase items at the store! Thanks for the support!
September 17 is IT Professionals Day! Thanks, George, for all of your tech help!
Can you believe we are thinking about next school year already? If you have a sibling that you want to attend ACE next year, be sure to complete the application! This must be done prior to the deadline for priority enrollment as a sibling. Review the information found at the link below for more information. Feel free to also share with friends that you think might be interested in All City as an option for their child(ren)!
Qdoba Fundraiser Night-Sept. 24 from 4-8 pm
1900 W 41st Street Location
Scan the code in the restaurant or use the code QDOBAGIVES when ordering online! ACE gets 25% of all sales so spread the word!!
SMILE!! School pictures are on Friday! The photo form is coming home in Monday folders if your family would like to order! All students will get their picture taken regardless if they are ordering or not! Say cheese!
Thank you Life Church for your yummy goodies for our staff meeting! We appreciate it!
Congrats to our High Flyers from this week! You rock! Thanks for being a leader!
Miss Leloux's third graders learned about force and chain reactions in their Amplify science lesson. They got to test out different ways to use force in chain reactions. They had lots of fun!
We love our Jane Addams staff! They are the best! We are lucky to have each and every one of them work with our students at All City! Thank you for your dedication and talents invested into our kids and program!
Great reminders!! Check it out!