The kids lined the hallways for the School Store!! Thank you for the support!
9 months ago, All City Elementary
Last week, Mrs. Pike's kindergarten class took a field trip to the Great Plains Zoo. They all enjoyed looking at and learning about all of the animals! Thanks to all of the parents for driving to make these field trips possible!
9 months ago, All City Elementary
Our last swimming day of the year at Embe was super fun! The kids just love our swimming days! Miss Leloux even cooled off and splashed in on the fun to surprise the kids on their last outing!
9 months ago, All City Elementary
ACE & EIC third grade buddies played with chalk and bubbles on a beautiful Friday afternoon!
9 months ago, All City Elementary
The annual ACE Talent Show was on May 6th. The kids and their families braved the stage to show off their many talents! Kids sang, danced, played an instrument, did comedy, made balloon art and a yummy snack. We are impressed with their bravery to get on stage and perform. The teachers even performed a "talent" by playing a game of Human Hungry Hungry Hippos! Check out the video: It was a great night at McGovern Middle School. Thank you for allowing us to use your facility and to the Johnson family for being great hosts of the night!
9 months ago, All City Elementary
We are so thankful for the opportunity to have two unique schools in our Jane Addams building. On the other side of our building, we have the Elementary Immersion Center (EIC). They have a wonderful team of teachers that go above and beyond to support their new incoming students from all over the world!!! Many of these immigrant and refugee children come from diverse backgrounds and levels of education/English abilities. These kiddos come to EIC to help learn basic English, writing, and math skills to then one day be 'promoted' back to their home-based school. We love the opportunities for ACE and EIC to do student buddy time throughout the year and combine lunch/recess times with their grade level. Thank you, EIC educators, for all you do for your children and families to get them accustomed to the American education system for the first time. You have an important and hard job because you are constantly getting newcomers! Thank you for your dedication to your students!
9 months ago, All City Elementary
Wow! SFSD is so grateful to the Sioux Falls STORM, LEVO, and media partners KELOLand TV for supporting Operation Hope & Caring where $18,417 was raised to support elementary schools that don't have PTAs/PTOs. We had a great time at the game and especially enjoyed the WIN! ❤️
9 months ago, Sioux Falls School District
2024 Hope & Caring Totals
Happy Teacher Appreciation Week!!! We are so thankful for our amazing educators at All City! We are blessed with the best! They make learning fun and embody the full spirit of ACE! We are so appreciative of their time and talents they share to our students and families!! Thank you for all you do!! Kindergarten-Mrs. Pike 1st Grade-Miss Joffer 2nd Grade-Mrs. Rausis 3rd Grade-Miss Leloux 4th Grade-Miss Nelson 5th Grade-Mrs. Gray
9 months ago, All City Elementary
The 4th and 5th graders had their bike check today with the help of some Scheels bike shop service employees. Their bike trip on the trails is coming up soon so they have to make sure everything is ready to go! Thanks Scheels members for the help!
9 months ago, All City Elementary
The ACE & EIC 4th and 5th graders enjoy buddy time! Today they got to do bubbles and chalk! Fun!
9 months ago, All City Elementary
Due to the stormy weather, the Arbor Day Farm was closed on Friday, April 26. Upon notification of the closure, the 4/5 team, including room parents, worked with Mrs. VanDuyn to provide students with an alternate class trip! The students enjoyed renting out an entire theater at WestMall 7 to watch "Kung Fu Panda 4", enjoyed a fast-food lunch experience at Burger King, and showed off their agility and strength skills to parents, friends, and teachers at 605 Ninja that afternoon! A huge thank you to the 4/5 team, including the 4/5 room parents, for figuring out an alternate plan so students were still able to have fun and share great experiences making more ACE memories!
9 months ago, All City Elementary
Tonight is THE night! Come out to support SFSD elementary schools without PTAs/PTOs as the Sioux Falls STORM take on the Green Bay Blizzard. It's also Star Wars night, so wear your gear and bring your lightsaber to this fun family event sponsored by LEVO Credit Union!
10 months ago, Sioux Falls School District
Star Wars Storm Game for Hope & Caring
Happy PE Week! We appreciate all the efforts Mr. Borges (Mr. B) puts in to PE to make exercising fun! Thanks!
10 months ago, All City Elementary
The 4th and 5th graders had their spring band and orchestra concert. They improved so much since the beginning of the year! Way to go!
10 months ago, All City Elementary
Happy Principal's Day, Mrs. Van Duyn! We appreciate all of your time and dedication you put in to our entire school! We know how much you care about the students, staff, and families! Have a great day!
10 months ago, All City Elementary
The Weather Service indicates the greatest threat of severe weather did not materialize in Sioux Falls. We will begin our bus routes at approximately 3pm, so there will be a slight delay in getting elementary and middle school students home. High School dismisses at normal time.
10 months ago, Sioux Falls School District
Due to the weather 4-30-24, SFSD will hold all elementary students who walk or ride the bus until the system passes. We expect the system to arrive about 2:45pm and be done around 3pm. Busses will not leave the elementary schools until it is safe to do so. This will also cause a delay in middle school bus routes, so plan accordingly. If wx is still an issue at high school dismissal time, we will encourage students to wait to leave until the system passes. Thank you.
10 months ago, Sioux Falls School District
Weather may cause some challenges at school dismissal time today. SFSD will make plans with your child's safety as our highest priority. If there are changes, parents/guardians will be contacted immediately. We ask that you please monitor your phone and email closely.
10 months ago, Sioux Falls School District
Football & Star Wars Fans Unite! Fri, May 3-7:05pm Sioux Falls STORM take on the Green Bay Blizzard to support Operation Hope & Caring, a fundraiser for SFSD elementary schools without PTAs. Wear Star Wars gear, grab a light saber, and get in on the fun!
10 months ago, Sioux Falls School District
Star Wars Storm Game for Hope & Caring
The 1st and 2nd graders traveled to Jefferson High School to see their musical about Charlie Brown. They enjoyed the show!
10 months ago, All City Elementary