Choice Day-Tarantula Time

Each month students get the option of attending an activity for Choice Day. October's Choice Day was filled with fun experiences they will always remember!

 Here were the choices this month:

  • Papa Murphy's Tour-Students had the chance to go behind the scenes and learn how the dough is made, see the walk-in coolers, and make their own pizza.
  • Fitness First-Students got to visit the Fitness First gym in Tea and have a fun workout.
  • JD's House of Trophies-Students got to learn firsthand how trophies were made and build one of their own!
  • Dairy Queen Tour-Students got a chance to go see how/where they make cones and even got to practice dipping their own! Yummy! 
  • Ultimate Dance and Cheer-Students got to go to the UDC facility for a workout and learn some cool dance moves!
  • Sea Turtle Paintings-Students followed a step-by-step painting tutorial to paint their sea creatures!
  • Slime-Students got to make their own slime and get lots of playing time with it!
  • Firefighter Truck Visit-A local fire crew brought their fire truck for an up close and personal look inside and out of the fire truck and learned fire safety tips.
  • Zoo Mobile-Students got to meet different animals from the zoo!
  • Tarantula Time-Kids got to meet "Chili" the spectacular 30-year-old tarantula! How cool!
  • Fall Bingo and Scavenger Hunt-Kids had fun playing games and finding things at the park. 

Big thank you to all of the parents who organized these activities this month! Thank you to Kelley Lund who gets everything ready and set up and thanks to the office staff for helping out as needed with getting drivers ready to go! Check out these fun memories!