May 13th marked our last Choice Day of the year! Students had the opportunity to pick from 10 choices/activities run by parents from our school. Each month, families rotate in preparing for these Choice Day activities and plan for about 1 hour and 30 minutes of learning. The opportunities these kids get each month is so amazing! They are so lucky to have parents so invested in their education! Thank you to all of the parents/families who held a Choice Day this month or throughout this school year! You are the best! Kids love Choice Day! So much FUN had by all and the memories for a lifetime!
May's choices included:
* Volleyball lessons at Digz Volleyball Courts
* Tour of Thunder Road facilities
* Bowling Practice at Sport Bowl
* Bubble Mania
* DrumFIT Instruction with special guest Mrs. Hannemann
* Soccer Instruction
* Think Spring! Recycled plastic flowers, art/science projects
* Galaxy Jars
* Learning the Rubik's Cube
* Treasure Scavenger Hunt at Elmwood Park