Gifted Programs

The Sioux Falls Gifted Program is designed to respond to the needs and special characteristics of gifted students by providing the opportunity for them to pursue and develop their potential for excellence. Students participate in an academic pull-out program that follows a curriculum designed to develop collaboration, communication, creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving. The curriculum focuses on STEAM units designed to specifically challenge the gifted learner. This program serves identified gifted students according to the Sioux Falls School District guidelines.

The purpose of the assessment and identification process is to find those students who, because of their unique abilities, are in need of differentiated educational opportunities not currently part of their regular curriculum. Identification for the SFSD Gifted Program uses a matrix that incorporates standardized test data to identify students. Identification can be initiated by parents, guardians, teachers, principals, or students. Referrals or questions can be directed to building principals, classroom teachers, or Elementary Gifted Program staff.

Giftedness is asynchronous development in which advanced cognitive abilities and heightened intensity combine to create inner experiences and awareness that are qualitatively different from the norm.

Columbus Group  

Elementary Gifted Program


The Sioux Falls Elementary Gifted Program is designed to respond to the needs and special characteristics of gifted students by providing the opportunity for them to pursue and develop their potential for excellence.


The Elementary Gifted Program (EGP) goals are to:

  • Provide appropriately challenging and in-depth learning experiences.

  • Support interaction between intellectual peers.

  • Foster the development of skills for self-directed learning.

  • Encourage the awareness of one’s potential in society.

  • Provide opportunities for collaboration, communication, creativity, and critical thinking.

Middle School Gifted Program

The Sioux Falls Middle School Gifted Program is designed to provide an academic challenge for highly capable learners. A semester-long Gifted Education Encore class is provided to students who qualify at every middle school. The Middle School Honors Program offers students with exceptionally high academic and intellectual ability a challenging, accelerated, integrated, and enriched curriculum in the core subjects. These honors education courses are offered at Patrick Henry Middle School.

Enrollment in the 2024-2025 school year Patrick Henry Honors Program.

Opens November 13th, 2023 at 8:00 am

Linda McDaniel

Linda McDaniel

Coordinator of Elementary Curriculum

✆ (605) 367-7946
✉ Email Linda McDaniel
➢ IPC - Curriculum

Heidi Kruse

Heidi Kruse

Executive Assistant to the Assn't Superintendent

✆ (605) 367-7945
✉ Email Heidi Kruse
➢ IPC – Curriculum

Challenge Center


✆ (605) 367-6170
➢ Robert Frost Elementary

Honors Program

Middle School

✆ (605) 367-7639
➢ Patrick Henry Middle School