
Spanish Immersion Kindergarten Application

The goal of the Spanish Immersion Program is to offer students a fully immersive, bilingual learning experience where they can achieve fluency in the Spanish language. Through instruction entirely in Spanish, students naturally develop language proficiency while mastering core academic subjects. The program also strives to cultivate cultural awareness, enhance cognitive development, and empower students to become confident, bilingual communicators.

Spanish Immersion Program Enrollment

Applications to Kindergarten at Sonia Sotomayor will be accepted beginning the first day of school the year preceding the child’s kindergarten year through the second Tuesday in January, at 5:00 pm.

Spanish Immersion is a unique educational program, which requires a basic commitment from parents or guardians that for each child in the program, a parent or guardian is required to read to the student in English every day for 20 minutes. This emphasis on at-home reading is required so that the optimum educational program can be maintained. Please see Enrollment Procedures for complete details.

Who do I contact for more information?

Dr. Tracy Vik, Principal
Office E-mail
(605) 367-4655

*All applications must be submitted electronically; no paper applications will be accepted. Applications will be date and time-stamped electronically upon submission.