
Two-Way Immersion

The goal of Spanish Two-Way Immersion is full bilingualism and biliteracy in both Spanish and English for English and Spanish-speaking children. Two-Way Immersion is a distinctive form of immersion education in which balanced numbers of native English and Spanish speakers learn together to read, write, speak and listen in both languages. All academic content is delivered equally across the two languages to students throughout the school day. Students work at the exact same academic level as traditional classroom students. They learn the same content to the same high expectations. In middle school, Two-Way Immersion students can continue with bilingual instruction, combined with students from the Sonia Sotomayor Elementary Spanish Immersion students.

Who do I contact for more information?

Jayne Mellegard, Principal
(605) 367-4590

What is STAMP?

The STAMP test is administered to Immersion students to assess their language proficiency, with Spanish Immersion students taking the test in grades 2, 5, 8, and in high school to help determine their recommended learning pathway. In May of their 8th grade year, students take the STAMP assessment again, having already completed it in elementary school. If they score a 4 or higher, they earn Spanish 3 credit on their high school transcript. This assessment also contributes to qualifying for the Seal of Biliteracy.

Parent Advocates for Spanish Immersion (PASI)

What We Do and Why We Do It

We advocate for and support the Spanish Immersion Program in Sioux Falls Public Schools with a primary focus on interns who enhance the language and cultural experience in the classrooms and in the community. We also donate money through grants for teacher development and resources for the classrooms and libraries.

To support and advocate for students, teachers, and interns in the Sioux Falls Public Schools Spanish Immersion Program.

Our Interns

One of the main things PASI does is bring the world into your student's classrooms via supporting interns. In all grade levels, this gives the teacher an extra set of hands and allows students time to work on academic subjects with more attention from either the teacher or an intern.